Thursday, October 24, 2019
Human Resource Development and Strategy Essay
Abstract The purpose of this portfolio project is to assess the learning experienced and my development during my group project. Also, to explain the methods and approaches implicated in completing the training plan; my involvement and participation in the group project. This Final HR Portfolio Project will present the reader a thorough analysis of my contribution to the group project. Final HR Portfolio Project Introduction The purpose of this portfolio project is to assess the learning experienced and my development during my group project. Also, to explain the methods and approaches implicated in completing the training plan; my involvement and participation in the group project. I will conduct a self-evaluation of my participation in the project and express my beliefs and perceptions. In addition, I will answer the following questions: †¢Was the training program the team developed effective in meeting the written objectives †¢The challenges the team and I met and the actions I took to address and resolve the problem †¢I will explain how the interpersonal relationships within the team change from the beginning to the end of the project †¢Convey the effectiveness of the overall team project to me as an individual learning activity and what I learnt that was totally new to me †¢What I would do differently if I had it to do all over again and why? †¢I will describe how could the project have been a better learning process? With specific thoughts on improving the course. †¢Lastly, particular attention will be given to the team experiences and the effectiveness of communication Statement about my own perceptions I went into this project not knowing the amount of work it takes to assess, design, develop and evaluate a training program. I believe that I emerge from this project with new profound knowledge and I learnt how to enhance my training program development for future training needs of my employees. Self-evaluation for participation in the project In completing a self-evaluation for my participation in the group project, I found that I had put forth a lot of time into completing this project. My strengths in the project were as follow: I was able to research my part of the project efficiently and I found some very useful information, I compiled and refined the paper. My weakness in this team assignment was my impatient with the team’s leader continuous duplicate posting of the same information, but I the end of the day, I had to remind myself that it was her managing style and to bring the project to fruition, I had to overcome my impatience. I believe that I have done this assignment to the best of my abilities and if I could have improve my part of the assignment, it would have to be instead of having done so much research that was not even use in the final project; I should have had research only the key points that was going in the slides. Lesson learned and I now know better for next time. Effectiveness of team meeting written objectives The training program strategy our team developed epitomizes the approach that the Dell Company need to implements to make sure that presently and in the future, the call center customers interactions support the attainment of its goal of customer satisfaction by widening the skills and aptitudes of the call center’s employees and managers alike. I judge that it can be expressed that the team’s training program development has indeed met its written objectives and if Dell HR strategically implements the plan, then I believe the group’s training program should be successful. What challenges did you and your team meets? What actions did you take to address and resolve the problem? Whenever a team assembled together there bound to be some challenges and the action and reaction of each individual member of the team can make or break the team. Such a statement is true in the case of my involvement in this group’s training program plan. Since I was the compiler for this group project; I believe one of our major challenge was the fact that we misunderstood the direction given by the instructor and some group member’s portion of the research for the project were somewhat off topic, some were trying to evaluate the training program (when the directive stated otherwise) and some of the suggestions were not helping moving the project forward. Another challenge was the fact that we ended up with a vast amount of data from different team member and most of them were unusable. The action I took to address and resolve the challenges were by omitting some of the data and ensure that the remaining information was suitable to satisfied the requirement of the training program Interpersonal relationships Changes The interpersonal relationships within the group did change somewhat. But to put this into prospective, after taken many upper-level courses for my BS program here at Walden, which required my involvement with group projects–I had my share of interpersonal relationships changes and some were never amended. However, the changes that occurred during this group project were minor, compared to others and the team experience/interaction was pleasant. Nadler (1998) point out: â€Å"Develop and communicate a clear image of the future state†(Nadler, 1998). To be specific, Nadler’s point of communication was taken to whole new level during this project. For example, one interpersonal relationships change that transpired during the beginning to the end of the project were the fact that the project leader did not give the team members a chance to select their own question(s) to answer; she assigned the questions and some of the roles without the prior agreement from the te am members. Additionally, when the timeline set forth by her was not followed down to the minute, she sent constant emails and posted many messages on the group discussion board that went unanswered by most of the team members. Nonetheless, for the sake of completing the project on a timely manner, our interpersonal nuisances were resolved, team members had became more flexible and useful, members were offering helpful suggestions for the completion of the training program plan and at the end of the project, the group discussions were more lively and our training program plan were effective. How effective was this overall team project to you as an individual learning activity? What did you learn that was totally new to you? The group project Rubric stipulated the context and design measurements for the competition of the group’s project, which, in conjunction with our groups’ own research, led to the development of the call center training program plan. The training program design, development, instruction, and evaluation were further enhanced with each individual contribution to ensure that the training program meets all design requirements and capable of accomplishing the call center staffs training needs. As Honey et al (1996) defined learning as: â€Å"Learning has happened when people can demonstrate that they know something that they did not know before (insights, realizations as well as facts) and when they can do something they could not do before (skills)†(Honey et al, 1996). I believe that I have gained plenty of knowledge from this group project experience. From the training program development, to the detailed training program, I judge that it was indeed effective for my individual learning endeavor and I learned the mechanics necessary to create a successful training program. What I learned that was totally new was the formatting of the contents for the training program utilizing PowerPoint. What would you do differently if you had it to do all over again? Why? Having the chance to redo this project all over again, I probably make myself available to be the project leader and direct the team to focus their attentions toward the requirements of the project. By doing so, I would be able to filter out any unnecessary tension between the group members. How could the project have been a better learning process? I believe that as a team, we could have made better use of the tools available to us to streamline the completion of the project and tools such as the chat-room, and file sharing could have been incorporated to foster a smoother workflow. As far as improving the project itself, I am not able to provide any clear assessment because of the fact that I do not have any other groups to compare our work with ¬Ã¢â‚¬â€œfor as such has been my experience here at Walden. On the other hand, I do think that the formation of the groups should be done at the end of the first week of class to allot plenty of time to the group members to get acquainted before the start of the project. If such a suggestion is not feasible, then changing the due date for submission of the project could better the learning process. Conclusion The group training program plan has outline all the essential assessment, design, development, instruction, and evaluation (ADDIE) of training development planning and the proper implementation of the training program will ensure that the call center will be effective. In addition, in case of decreased in the call center productivity or an increased in customer dissatisfaction, could force the organization to take a careful look at its training program, Dell should put together a systematic way to evaluate and do a retraining assessment of the call center staffs to help lessen the number of customer issues. Additionally, our team did a great job creating the training program plan and our instructor’s feedback made a big difference. References Blanchard, P. N., & Thacker, J. W. (2010). Effective training: Systems, strategies, and practices (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice-Hall. Honey, P., & Mumford, A. (1996). The Manual of Learning Styles (3rd ed.). Maidenhead, NJ: Honey Publications. Nadler, David A. (1998). Champions of change: How CEOs and their companies are mastering the skills of radical change. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass
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